This simple recipe makes a delicious savoury muffin to accompany your cheese board or just scoff them straight from the oven! Equipment Ingredients: Method

This simple recipe makes a delicious savoury muffin to accompany your cheese board or just scoff them straight from the oven! Equipment Ingredients: Method
Crumble this fab new cheese over this simple salad and you have all the flavours covered!! The lovely fresh acidity of this subtle goat cheese brings a zip and skip to the sweet strawberries and mint. Nice! Serves two Ingredients: Method: … mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, crumble over Glaston Brick, drizzle balsamic glaze and season. Done! You can replace strawberries with watermelon and cucumber.
Seasonal cheese on toast! PS careful how you pick those fresh spring nettles! Rubber gloves or just reach down inside a carrier bag to harvest the sweet tips. Bleu de Gex is a relatively mild blue that works well with the subtle earthy tones of the nettle. Serves 4 Ingredients: Method: Step 1 Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. Add the nettles and cook for 1 min until wilted. Allow to cool for 1 min, then roughly chop. Add to a bowl with the crème fraÎche, mustard and half the blue cheese. Stir in seasoning and set aside.
A tasty side made even better with a dazzle of Red Leicester! Serves 2 Ingredients: 500g Peeled and chopped good mashing spuds 75g Sparkenhoe Red 4 Spring Onions A good knob of butter A splosh of Milk (or cream if you’re feeling decadent) Sea Salt and Nutmeg to season Method: Steam potatoes until soft Add milk/cream, butter and most of the Red Leicester MASH! Taste and season to your liking. Serve with finely sliced spring onion and rest of Red Leicester, bosh!
(from BBC Good Food) Ingredients For the pancakes (makes 8) For the filling Method
With thanks to Lynher Dairies for this recipe Ingredients (Serves 4) For the rice: For the pesto oil: Method
An easy to make impressive starter to share with friends Serves 4 Ingredients: Method Delicious served with a fresh leaf and beetroot salad.
With leeks in season and tasting better than ever, why not try this super easy recipe? Serves 4 Ingredients: Method: Fancy a crispy topping? Just add some panko breadcrumbs on top of the leeks and cheese sauce before scattering your Baron Bigod on top.
A quick fire store cupboard dinner, or lunch and is even good cold the next day in the lunch box! Serves 4 Ingredients: Method: Veggie option? Swap out the bacon with some char-fried mushrooms for that smoky savoury hit.
This hearty winter warmer combines winter veg and delicious Devon Blue to fight out the cold and fill your tum! Serves 4 Ingredients: Method: